A Single Man is the film adaptation of Isherwood’s 1964 brilliant classic by the same name, but Christoper and His Kind is biopic based off of his own autobiography, and delves deep into the work that inspired the Broadway musical hit, Cabaret. Catering to a wide clientele base, Alibis has a little something for everyone, from the latest ball game on the TV, to original live music strummed out on the guitar. Of special note in this list are the films having to do with Christopher Isherwood: A Single Man and Christopher and His Kind. Specialties: Full of personality, cold beer and hot bartenders, Alibis prides itself on being a true dive for the locals, train riders, and the occasional passer by in an area surrounded by overpriced tourist traps. Also included are Christopher Plummer’s Oscar-winning performance in Beginners, as well as the quirky cult classic Sordid Lives. The best homosexual movies on Netflix includes unmissable films, such as Parting Glances, which was one of the earliest films to take a hard, blunt look at the AIDS crisis (it also starred a young Steve Buscemi).
San Antonio’s Pegasus nightclub, which opened in 1994, holds court as the 10th most popular. Whether it’s modern classics like The Birdcage and In & Out, high-quality independent films like Weekend and Keep the Lights On, or top-notch documentaries like We Were Here and Paris is Burning, this list of the best gay movies on Netflix has everything from serious, heartfelt emotion to roll-around-on-the-floor laughter. San Antonio is home to Texas' fiercest gay bar.